Certified Coaches

Meet Core Transformation® Certified Coaches

Do you want Core Transformation sessions with a skilled and capable guide? Here’s the list of Certified Core Transformation Coaches. Each has completed an intensive training program in Core Transformation with Andreas NLP. Our Coach Certification process includes a rigorous in-depth training sequence, including instruction in advanced formats, personal practice, skills development, and three levels of review.

You can find a coach from around the globe. Most work internationally through online sessions, yet if you find someone in a similar time zone, you may find it easier to schedule a session.
Feel free to book a session with more than one of our coaches, to explore a good fit for your own journey of transformation.

Dinesh Braganza PhD


Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Hi, I’m Dinesh Braganza. I first learned Core Transformation during an advanced NLP training many years ago. CT came as the answer to a long quest to integrate my own psychological and spiritual journey.

At a personal level I have experienced the power of CT to rapidly transform issues, gently and completely. I also regularly experience the power of CT to transform issues that clients bring.

My personal experience of CT led me to undertake CT research, including the first randomized clinical trial of CT published in a peer -reviewed journal. I have been fortunate to assist Tamara and Mark Andreas at the advanced and coaches’ level CT trainings, and I would be happy to make this journey of CT with you.”

Jeb Michael Arcement

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Hi, I’m Jeb Arcement. I am excited to be able to offer you Core Transformation Coaching sessions as a certified coach. I was fortunate to learn Core Transformation at a training with Connirae Andreas in 1996. Recognizing the power of this method, I have been using it with clients and myself ever since.

I have also started using CT with the Enneagram. It has been amazing to witness the life enriching transformations my clients have experienced over the years. This was part of my motivation to receive the advanced training and certification.

I love working with people who are experiencing some limitation and are open to resolving it and becoming the person they were meant to be. It is gratifying beyond words to participate in the transformation of a person, at a much deeper level of being than most other methods. For me it has a sacred quality and being part of this whole thing is sacred.

I have been blissfully married to the love of my life for 32 years and have one dear precious daughter.”

Philip End

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Hi, I’m Phil End. In my teens I experienced a ‘long dark night of the soul’, which led to a profound experience of blissful ‘Awakening’. I went from wondering, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ to realising Existence itself is a wonderful gift to be enjoyed. This was my first experience of pure ‘Compassion’, ‘Peace’ and ‘Oneness’.

I learned my life purpose was to search for ways to re-access this awareness and show others how to do the same. I still had my ‘issues’ so I explored many esoteric paths and psychologies and found ‘Core Transformation’ in 1994. It proved a perfect process for moving myself and others from unfulfilling states and negative thinking patterns into the liberating experience of the Core Self. What is more, it permanently cleared those dark states one by one. Today, I feel very blessed to be able to share this transformative process with you.”

Catherine Pharo

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“I’m Catherine Pharo and I’m a retired Parish Priest. Before I was ordained in the Anglican Church I worked in the community as a Mental Health Nurse with individuals dealing with mood changes, conflict, grief and other things that interfered with daily life.

I was astounded by the way Core Transformation shifted the way I relate to myself, others and situations in life. I’m more mindful and better able to access the deep joy within. It lines up beautifully with my faith tradition. Now that I’ve devoted myself to the intensive study and hours of practice I’m certified as a coach. I’m ready to work with those who find conflict, worry, sadness, or self doubt stands in the way of a richer, fuller life. My personal qualities of curiosity, patience and creativity along with a growing proficiency in Core Transformation provide the solid foundation needed for you to move toward deep and lasting change.”

Denise Budden-Potts

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Hi I’m Denise from San Diego, California inviting you to experience what this powerful method called Core Transformation (CT) can do to transform unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviors. What makes me a competent guide of this gentle, proven CT process are three things.

I believe in the effectiveness of the CT process, use it daily with myself and have applied it with clients for a host of issues: trauma, inner conflict, procrastination, guilt, shame, worry, anger, cravings, difficult people situations.

I bring heart, a nonjudgmental mindset, years of experience and flexibility to every session. I know with certainty that every person can change and transform when they are offered direction and a breakthrough process like CT.

Life has its choice points. Why stay stuck or continue feeling out of control when a Zoom session or in-office visit using CT can lead to gaining what you really want!”

Nell Puetter

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Hi, I am Nell Puetter. I am fortunate to have learned directly from Tamara and Mark the power of Core Transformation and today I am thrilled to offer CT coaching sessions in English, German, and Russian languages.

My personal deep transformational experience of CT led me to specialize in working with people seeking a way out of unresolved inner conflicts, dilemmas, confusion, self-sabotage, internal pressure and stress, procrastination, indecision, distraction, severe self-criticism, self-doubts, low self-esteem, etc. It is incredibly fulfilling to witness my clients getting transformative results that are even beyond what they originally wanted. I look forward to getting to know you and exploring how to help you propel forward, filled with inner power and calmness. I’m ready to support you in shifting from inner conflict to absolute clarity within.”

Jeff Hicks

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Feeling beings finding peace.

When asked “Jeff, why are you investing so much time, energy and resources in Core Transformation?”

“Feeling beings finding peace.” My answer is simple.

With Core Transformation there are no excuses, no compromises. Feeling beings finding peace.

I have shared a lot of modalities over the years and Core Transformation is the first one to allow me to collaborate on the deepest levels – with you.

Isn’t it coaching? Coaches stand on the sidelines and yell. I don’t do that. We collaborate – finding peace.

And this isn’t about me.

It is about the Core Transformation process and you finding peace.”

Susan Seifert

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Hi, I’m Susan Seifert. I have taught meditation and coached thousands of people over the past 50 years. I have also enjoyed a career as a writer, won a New Yorker Magazine humor contest, and had my own successful telecommunications business with over $4 million in annual sales.

I learned Core Transformation in a live training with Tamara Andreas in Boulder in 2014 and found it to be one of the most effective yet gentle ways to change behavior, feeling and thinking. It takes your deepest challenges and through them brings you to a rich inner world of profound peace, joy and well-being. So many of my clients tell me ‘This is what I have been looking for’.

My style is gentle, present, full of humor and without a trace of judgement. I know that within each of us is an ocean of peace and happiness, and once this ocean is accessible change is easy, complete and filled with joy. I will be my pleasure and honor to be part of your Core Transformation journey.”

Michael DeMolina PhD

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“Hi! I’m Dr. Michael DeMolina. Through my journey as a licensed therapist and trainer, I’ve seen many self-development tools. Core Transformation (CT) is the most elegant, delightful and most generative I have ever experienced. I was so moved in my first workshop I immediately wanted to teach this amazing process, becoming a Licensed CT Trainer in 2010. I’m blessed to “walk the path” with clients desiring change in career, mending relationships, to eliminating stress, emotional eating, anxiety and even healing trauma. Integrating CT has resulted in these clients experiencing core states of Oneness, Love and Wholeness. In 2020, I was quite honored to assist Mark and Tamara in the Foundations and Advanced courses and Mentor in the first-ever Coach Certification course.

I experienced a PROFOUND sense of Inner Peace, which I know will last a lifetime. Looking forward to assisting you reaching your goals and living the life you love!”

Åsa Firth

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2020

“I’m Åsa Firth from Sweden. What I love about Core Transformation (CT) is that it supports you in exploring unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviours in a compassionate way. Instead of trying to figure things out, CT guides you towards experiencing what you want on a deep level. This is where transformation happens and healing can begin.

I’ve assisted Mark and Tamara in Foundation and Advanced levels of the CT trainings and in 2021 I was one of the mentors for the Coaching Certification program. In 2021-22 I designed and carried out a two-part study looking at the effects of CT on stress, well-being and flourishing. With the support of the Andreas’, I have translated the CT script to Swedish.

Core Transformation has brought much richness to my life, both personally and professionally, and I use it almost exclusively in my client work. I welcome you to contact me, or one of my colleagues on this page, to experience CT for yourself.”

Koos Wolcken

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi, I am an experienced trainer and coach. I have worked in education (University), as a consultant in business and coach/trainer in professional training and personal growth. Core Transformation was and is for me and my clients a way to gain deeper and more lasting change.

I’m a strong believer of ‘practise what you preach’, so diving deep into Core Transformation and start deep learning again gave me great joy. And through all the self practise in the Advanced training and the Coach Certification came the opportunity to do some deep change work on hidden personal issues and discoveries!

I work with people from all walks of life, in the Netherlands and international too (e.g. via Zoom). The one thing in common is that they want to create some lasting changes in their daily (working) live. And I love to support them with the gentle, powerful method of Core Transformation.”

Lynn Larson

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi! I’m Lynn Larson. These last few years I’ve been doing a deep dive with Core Transformation (CT) and loving the outcomes!

I believe in transformation that’s easy, efficient, and effective. I first discovered and explored the mind-body connection when I entered my professional equestrian career. Since then, I’ve incorporated many approaches and CT is by far the sweetest and most experiential. It’s a powerful modality for change, providing an excellent way for you to access your own awareness. The more you do it, the more you become at home in yourself and the richer life becomes.

With CT, I can guide you toward better relationships, successful business outcomes, improved athletic endeavors, and empowered self-development. I’m ready to support you in getting the changes you want in your life, whether this happens quickly or unfolds in a process over time.

Click the email link below to set up your remote or in-person session.”

Trina Brunk

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“I grew up in a musical family, and singing together was a joyful part of life. As an adult, I went through a period where I felt as though I was losing everything that mattered to me, and at one point things got very bleak. I felt as though I lost my joy of living, and along with it my joy of singing.

During this time I discovered Core Transformation. It helped me let go of what I couldn’t control, put my attention where it could do the most good, and helped me reconnect with a deep sense of wellbeing. Core Transformation helped me come through that difficult time stronger, more resilient and more in love with my life than ever before.

Now as a life coach and singer/songwriter, I love using Core Transformation to help other musicians and creatives re-ignite their passion and reconnect with their creative source within. As a result they find they can more readily create the rich, meaningful and joyful lives they desire.”

Nathalie Vitorino Da Silva

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“I’ve been working as a professional Life Coach and Trainer since 1992 (Licensed Trainer for Preventative Medicine).

My entire life I’ve dedicated to holistic health & healing practices for inner well-being and ultimately solved pain or communication issues. I utilise trauma solution methods, yoga, NVC and meditation, benefitting groups and individuals.

Following Steve Andreas since 2000 I came to Core Transformation in 2012 when Steve suggested that I schedule a session with Connirae. Since then I have studied their books, participated in several courses and some Wholeness Work.

CT is powerful and supports you deeply while not necessarily needing to talk about painful past experiences. This method often solves any problem profoundly and very fast. My gentle voice relaxes deeply and makes you feel safe. With a comprehensive mental and physical approach, I am passionate to achieve excellent results in the unique challenges you face.”

Diana Brown

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi, I’m Diana Brown. I’m thrilled to be able to offer you Core Transformation Coaching sessions as a certified coach.

While my coaching is informed by 26 years as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Nevada, USA; I have found CT to be one of the most gentle and effective ways to change unwanted patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

I experienced a profound shift in my own CT work with unconscious patterns associated with my Enneagram personality. This has enriched my life by giving me the freedom to be both more loving and accepting of love.

I have a special empathy for people who experience prolonged or complicated grief and find themselves stuck in the pain, unable to move forward in life with peace, joy and an ongoing sense of well-being.

My coaching is a safe space filled with warmth, presence and nonjudgment. I will be honored to guide you on your personal transformation journey.”

Cath Wyber

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi, I am Cathy from Australia.

Since 1977 I have worked as a licensed Registered Nurse and later as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.

In this profession, it is necessary to be empathetic, to be able to deal with the emotions of others, and to remain calm in emergency situations. It’s my calling to offer support and relief from physical and emotional pain.

Being so amazed at the impact Core Transformation had on my own challenges in just one session, I started to successfully help others, especially in the area of bullying.

Clients contact me because of my positive optimistic way of being.

I have always loved being a brave adventurer with extreme joyful hobbies, always excited to explore and that’s why I’m happy to explore your own life adventures or challenges with you as A Certified CT Coach.”

Jason Fletcher

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Having worked in the field of personal development for the last 20 years, I was pleased to discover Core Transformation, in 2014, as a completely different approach to gently transform challenges and limitations. I am delighted to have deepened my skills further after undertaking the CT Coach Certification training.

It still amazes me how CT not only transforms challenging feelings, behaviours and thoughts, it also offers lasting change at the deepest level.

In my practice, I work with a variety of issues, and have specialised in working with people who have experienced challenges/problems left over from difficult upbringings (i.e. from poor-parenting / traumatic childhood experiences).

Whether via Zoom or in-person in the Midlands (UK), I welcome the opportunity to support anyone who is wishing to transform their life.”

Camilla Lloyd Moore

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi, my name is Camilla and my journey to becoming a Core Transformation Coach has been profound. Through the process, I have accessed new levels of inner peace, creativity and connection in many areas of my life.

One of the joys of coaching my clients is supporting them to confidently prioritize whatever brings happiness and meaning to their life. By transforming physical and emotional limitations, such as inner conflicts, self-doubt, mind-body stress, and fear, they begin to access good feelings, more energy, greater self-acceptance and guilt-free wellbeing.

If you want to feel better and to overcome whatever circumstances may have challenged your ability to fully thrive and feel good in the past – maybe stressful life situations, health challenges, or difficult relationships – I can help you towards living more happily, with greater balance, calm confidence, and wholeness in body, mind, and soul.”

Frances Gumienny LPC

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi, I’m Frances Gumienny. Over the years, I’ve explored many modalities to help clients in my nursing and counseling practices and for my personal growth. My own experience of being guided and regular practice of Core Transformation has been profound. It helped me shift that critical and judgmental inner voice to one with greater compassion, thus allowing me to move forward in life with clarity and purpose.

I believe the experience of a peaceful, loving, inner state that Core Transformation facilitates is the answer to what many long for. I am excited to offer this powerful tool in my coaching and counseling practice. While my focus is helping people deal with anxiety and stress in their life and profession, I have also effectively used this with grief and food cravings.

I would be honored to help you transform those learned patterns of behavior that no longer serve so that you are better able to experience your authentic self.”

Marina Gorobevskaya

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi, I’m Marina – Core Transformation coach, deep nature connection mentor, and community builder. I was born in the Soviet Union and grew up during a time of great change. I have lived in China, the USA and now in the Netherlands. That experience helps me hear and understand people from different backgrounds as I help them connect to themselves, nature, and each other.

Sometimes a situation can seem so complicated that you don’t see the way forward. As your Core Transformation coach, I can help you drop into yourself and step into peace and joy, release underlying tensions, find clarity and let new choices effortlessly come to the surface. With this method of gentle inquiry unpleasant feelings or behaviors that you want to change become doorways to profound inner resources. This is why I love Core Transformation and I’ll be happy to guide you in English or Russian.”

Royston Rodrigues

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2021

“Hi, I’m Royston Rodrigues, based in Sydney, Australia. I started practicing Core Transformation, and I was amazed at how it helped me reach a deep level of peace and resourcefulness. Core Transformation Coaching quickly allows people to find profound insights and resolutions not easily accessible otherwise.

My passion is assisting people in bringing their creative expression to their work and personal life. It gives me the joy to coach people to overcome the challenges that come in the way of their dreams and goals. I often observe that through CT coaching, people find peace, unity, and resourcefulness during a coaching session.

The best part is that Core Transformation makes the whole process very gentle yet powerful in accessing the challenging issue, finding a resolution, and achieving a positive outcome. Do contact me if you wish to have Core Transformation coaching sessions with me.”

Marija Hell-Sipowicz

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“Hi, my name is Marija, and I invite you to connect to yourself, your inner wisdom and well-being.

My own life-changing experience with CT, and the wish to bring to the world what I truly believe in, led me to become a CT coach. I have experienced profound shifts in my life in the areas related to stress at work, frustration in the relationship, unhealthy eating habits, distress from cold – to just mention a few. I have guided others with the topics related to procrastination, food-binging, negative self-image, taking important life decisions, overcoming different fears.

Working part-time in finance, I can personally relate to the stress often encountered in our professional lives. Having lived in multi-cultural environments through my life taught me openness for easy relation with people from different cultural backgrounds. I will be happy to guide you in English, Polish or French.”

Erica Newman

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“My journey in the intuitive healing arts began over 25 years ago, but it was only in early 2021 that I discovered Core Transformation. It took five seconds to know that this was the missing piece I had been longing for. I am such a big fan of this profoundly empowering and sweepingly effective method of healing.

My level of compassion as a coach has been influenced by my own healing journey through painful and confusing life experiences, great losses, and health scares. We all go through dark or frustrating places on our path. It’s with so much gratitude and encouragement that I share the CT journey with my clients. The discovery of how potent inner resources can transform the experience of our lives is so often beyond words.

In session we’re going to take a journey together, guided through the transformational experience that you’re ready to have. I am delighted to walk with you and invite your inner wisdom to lead the way.”

Petrolene le Roux

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“Hi, I am Petrolene le Roux, an experienced CrossFit Trainer, and Mental Sports Coach. I have found Core Transformation as one of the most underrated ways to transform feelings and thoughts within professional athletes and sports. I have seen a significant change in my own sports performance since applying Core Transformation on myself. From my experience, it is one of the best ways to achieve deeper and longer-lasting change.

My own experience with Core Transformation has led to a profound change in my mental game. In the same way that strengthening and stretching benefit the body, Core Transformation benefits the mind.

My involvement in sports allows me to experience Core Transformation on a daily basis and understand the needs athletes have regarding personal development and competition performance.

As a athlete myself and mental coach, I work with individual athletes and sports teams nationally and internationally (via Zoom).”

John Prada

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“My interest in spiritual transformation began when I was a teenager, newly sober, searching for solutions to anxiety and depression. Through 12-step recovery, therapy, meditation, and health science I experienced significant personal change, but I was still struggling.

When I discovered Core Transformation, it was like being catapulted into a new plane of consciousness. Where I used to have fear, I now had hope and humor and an overall sense of inner peace, and joy.

It is my honor to guide and witness my clients’ gentle shift to greater equilibrium and fulfillment in their lives. Because of my own experience, I find it deeply gratifying to help clients in recovery, the performing arts and fitness.”

Basia Murphy

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“My name is Basia Murphy and I live in England.

I had no plans to become a Core Transformation coach and yet, once I was guided and experienced the beauty and wisdom of the process, I knew I wanted to share this gift with others. Now, I’m grateful for the privilege of guiding my clients on their own journeys to peace.

Core Transformation allowed me to release limiting thoughts, and heal many feelings that were stuck. It introduced a quality of wholeness into my life that I sensed was always within me and yet prior to Core Transformation, I was not able to experience it fully.

The gentle Core Transformation process invites relaxation that creates space for exploration, leading to discovery, healing, and transformation.
I very much hope you decide to experience it for yourself by contacting one of us.”

Beverly S. Brown LMHC, LPC

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“Hi, I’m Beverly Brown. I am a Licenced Mental Health Counselor. As a newly Certified Core Transformation Coach, I’m excited to be able to guide others into learning how they can experience profound and lasting change using Core Transformation.

I learned about Core Transformation while looking for a tool or process to aid me in guiding my clients to deeper levels of change. I started the Core Transformation Foundation class and was amazed by what I was learning.

My mother became ill during the Core Transformation Foundations class and eventually died. Core Transformation became a cornerstone in dealing with the emotional storm surrounding the illness and death of a loved one.

The process guided me to be more connected to my true self. I found an ongoing sense of safety, comfort, and peace during this challenging time. As a result, my experience of my mother’s death was less painful and more connected to her essence and our love.”

Victor Markkula

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“Hello, my name is Victor Markkula. When I came across Core Transformation I was moved by the structural accuracy and elegant simplicity of the method. I’ve experienced using several self development techniques before, but they often seemed vague and entangled in confusing terminology.

With Core Transformation, I knew that I had found what I was looking for, and urged to dive deeper. It has helped me transforming an everyday experience of deep stress, insufficiency and failure, into feeling that I fundamentally have the right to exist, in a way that also seem to bring value to others.

I’m excited to coach, whether the topic is big or small, wanting to co-discover the beauty of authentic being.”

Jude Hogarth

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“Hi. I’m Jude, living in England, working online and face-face as a resilience coach. My typical clients are stuck in a career rut, overwhelmed and suffering the long-term impacts of stress.

I was inspired to train as a Certified CT Coach after a surprising thing happened. I initially joined the Foundation CT course ‘just’ to add to my skills for client work – and found myself making deep transformational changes in my own life as well! We are always a work in progress but this was change at another level.

For years, I struggled with PTSD, anxiety and depression and was skilled at hiding it at work (25 years as a lawyer). During my journey to reclaim my life and health, I became a coach to share what I had learned for myself. CT training has profoundly deepened that journey for me, both personally and professionally. I am excited to be able, as a CT Coach, to guide others in making lasting change and letting joy back in.”

Alina Nikishina

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“Hi, I’m Alina Nikishina, a Transformational Coach & Mentor for entrepreneurs. As someone who grew up in Russia and followed a traditional life path where I focused on being a good student and employed as an accountant for a decade – starting my own business as a coach was challenging. I struggled with imposter syndrome, fear of failure, stress, and lack mindset.

As I started diving into working with my subconscious mind, I became much more confident, got clearer on my unique purpose and gifts, and have become more successful in business. Core Transformation is now my main method of doing inner work because it not only brings rapid, lasting change, but it also deeply aligns with my values of harmony, love, and soul expansion. CT has taught me how to step into just BEing!

As a coach, I focus on helping entrepreneurs build impactful businesses that reflect their authentic selves. I’d be honored to guide you on your journey.

Erin Brown

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“Hi, I’m Erin. I know the power of Core Transformation because I’ve seen people’s lives go from desperate to happy without ever working together in an office. My own life changed forever when an issue I struggled with for half my life disappeared as a result of this work.

As a Certified coach, I specialize in helping people with food issues, relationship trouble, and motivational stress. My husband is also a certified coach and we know firsthand how valuable CT is in having a dedicated and healthy partnership.
I am continually inspired by the results I see in my clients. They are often surprised at how painless and pleasant the change is. I see them go from inner separation to real and lasting change. I never tire of seeing people moving through the world- traveling lighter!

I value bringing kindness and understanding to every session, allowing us together to be guided by the natural arc of your own inner wisdom.

Dana Michelle Gillespie

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“I’m Dana Michelle Gillespie and I’ve passionately pursued various healing modalities throughout my life, seeking one that deeply and naturally transforms individuals from within. Now, as a Certified Core Transformation Coach, I’ve found a fulfilling method, offering lasting, profound changes in a gentle way that makes people feel incredible inside and out.

Through Core Transformation, I’ve seen miraculous changes in myself and others. The process is straightforward, almost scientific, yet the results are consistently astounding. Clients describe profound sessions filled with lightness, peace, and inner alignment, beyond words. Remarkably, issues they spent decades addressing in trauma-based therapies have dissolved naturally during these sessions.

Coaching worldwide online, I guide clients to live their dream lives. This practice fosters a natural wholeness, leading to limitless possibilities. What more do you aspire to create and enjoy in your life?

Gilad Rubin

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“Hey, I’m Gilad Rubin. I’m honored to have the opportunity to guide and support others in their transformational journey in this lifetime.

I personally have experienced profound and long-lasting positive shifts in my emotional wellbeing since I started to practice Core Transformation and I want to share this gift with others who feel the calling to explore this path together.

I have a long background in Buddhist meditation and other spiritual practices, including Wholeness Work, and I would especially love to guide anyone who is interested in opening up emotionally and spiritually.”

Pamela Nagy

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“My journey began in my late 30s during a profound “Awakening.” After a dark period, I went from pondering life’s meaning to fully embracing the awesome gift of existence.

When I discovered Core Transformation, I knew that this is what I was looking for and urged to dive deeper. It helped me change an everyday experience of overwhelm, limiting beliefs deeply rooted in my childhood, fear, indecision, and relationship issues into trust, love, an overall sense of inner peace.

My own healing from childhood health issues, traumas, and life’s challenges fuel my empathy and compassion as a coach.

By overcoming limitations such as inner conflicts, self-doubt, mind-body stress, fear, you begin to access more energy, greater self-acceptance, and guilt-free well-being. Many of my clients tell me “I would have never uncovered these limiting beliefs without this technique.”

Get in touch to start your Core Transformation discovery with me.”

Tobias English

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2022

“Greetings, Awareness! My name is Tobias and I’m honored to be able to help people address and resolve all sorts of very human issues with Core Transformation! Having long-term sobriety, I understood words like empathy, compassion, harmony and other values intellectually but CT has facilitated the direct experience and embodiment of peace and lightness, values now expressed in the world with ease. This is an incredible process!

I specialize in helping people with complex trauma, substance-reliance patterns, limiting beliefs, communication/relationship challenges, long-term resentments and fears, all with this process. Of course, fine-tuning and enhancing harmonious being and skills is equally possible!

Gentle awareness is the substratum in which our suffering appears and into which it gracefully integrates. My wife (also a certified CT coach) and I often sigh, smile and say “Wow … I didn’t see this coming!” and “Whoa … this peace is unquantifiable!”
(Surprise is not always bad!) Peace is possible and be experienced without struggle. Let’s access it together.

Ashley Klesken

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“Core Transformation (CT) has been part of my personal healing practice since I learned it in 2020 – it revolutionized my relationships with myself and others. I started using it with clients in 2021, and it quickly became one of their favorite change processes as well! They are often amazed when something intense like chronic pain, critical thoughts, or rage ends up at unconditional love or deep peace! I love how CT guides people to the true core of any feeling, thought, or behavior, and the spiritual dimension that is sometimes present is incredible to witness! I deeply enjoy guiding people through CT and offering the rare gifts of this practice.

I presented on CT at the 2023 Ekklesia Project peace conference and love to speak on this powerful type of parts work, train others, and work 1:1 to bring the emotional regulation and insight of CT to all. Don’t hesitate to reach out to book a free consult or to learn more about my background!

Marta Bakuridze

Marta Bakuridze

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“Hi, I’m Marta! Before I discovered Core Transformation, my idea of happiness revolved around influencing external circumstances, trying to meet society’s standards, and fitting into molds set by others.

Core Transformation has created a profound shift for me and many others. It helped me find joy, inner peace, and deep fulfillment despite life’s ups and downs. Through this unique and deeply compassionate process, I discovered that meaningful and lasting change doesn’t come from doing more, achieving more, or working harder. Instead, it comes from connecting with all parts of yourself and aligning with your true inner intentions.

Now, as someone inspired by this profound change, I’m committed to guiding individuals, especially women, through their own transformative paths. For me and many of my clients, Core Transformation has been the fastest and most gentle way to unlock lasting positive change and embrace a life filled with self-compassion and inner harmony.

I’m thrilled to offer sessions in both English and Ukrainian.

In my everyday life, I find inspiration in my family, nature, travel, books, photography, and ongoing journey of self-growth.

Bill Schrier

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“I took Core Transformation mainly out of curiosity. Little did I know how powerful & transformative this method would become.

Not to get too personal, but when I was a kid when I came home from school, my mom would call me vicious names with a big smile on her face. I was around 7. These were intended to hurt. And hurt they did. My mind circled around this for decades. I tried Hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP, EMDR, Bach Flower Remedies & everything else you can think of to get relief, but nothing worked.

After getting certified in CT I decided to try this on this “part” of myself and ended up in this incredible state of oneness and peace. I understood that my mom was experiencing her own emotional pain, and it had nothing to do with me at all. And now when I think about it, I’m filled with feelings of peace, connection, & oneness. That is the power of Core Transformation. That is the kind of breakthrough I can help you get to as well.

Krisztina Katalin Havasi

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“Hi, I’m Kriszti Havasi, coach and trainer. After my first experience with CT, I was fascinated by the shifts happening in my life, and I felt the calling to learn more. As a result, I felt more peace, balance, emotional well-being, and improved communication skills.

Years ago, dealing with day-to-day stress was difficult for me, and now I can manage these situations with more ease and wit. I was able to leave my fears behind (e.g. claustrophobia, being afraid of heights, low self-confidence/esteem, negative self-talk), which also helped me to be better in sports, sailing and most of all in my personal relationships. CT has touched all areas of my life and opened a spiritual pathway too: me becoming the person I wanted to be.

It’s beautiful to witness this natural unfolding of change in my clients too. I’m happy to support others with such a gentle, and loving process by offering sessions and foundation training in English and Hungarian.

Tchera Niyego

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“Hi, my name is Tchera, and I am delighted to be certified as a Core Transformation coach!

My background is in the arts and theater as an actor, writer, and curator, having lived and worked in the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and the United States. I have been, and continue to be, a student and practitioner of methodologies for approaching the non-dual perspective via mystical oral traditions for 24 years.

Core Transformation allowed me to experience a profound shift in bridging my spiritual aspirations with my daily existence. By virtue of the clarity that Core Transformation afforded me, I forged a new path as a coach. I now bring my whole to the table with transparency and tenderheartedness while simultaneously getting out of the way so that the process of Core Transformation can swiftly transform the obstacles and hindrances in your life into allies and resources through intimate explorations.

Inna Titorenko

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“CT sessions helped me develop the emotional strength to face any situation better than ever before. Even on tough days, I maintain a calm and content mindset.

What I appreciate about Core Transformation is that after a session, I promptly take action toward my goals without getting stuck in overthinking or dwelling. This approach conserves an incredible amount of energy, something I hadn’t thought possible.

In the last 2 years, I guided over 50 people some of them received just 1-2 sessions, some 5, and some 20. Most of them reported that they built inner resilience, and started handling life situations better, some got back to work after long break, others stopped overworking themselves, gained productivity at work and business, some made important decisions and took steps toward it, and others broke down not useful social media habit.

For me, this process is as a fresh air, deep, peaceful, and fulfilling.

G N Monica Thimmaji

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“Hi, I am Monica. Core Transformation has been a blessing for me. I lost my mom in Dec 2022 and was experiencing a deep void… something core was missing.

A few months later – in March 2023, I took up the Core Transformation Foundation course. Through the course, I started healing and experienced the void transforming. I started feeling her presence and felt whole again.

This was a powerful awakening for me. I decided to take the journey ahead to become a certified Core Transformation Coach. The last nine months have been life-changing. I feel a deep sense of myself… being more allowing, present, and peaceful.

It has been fulfilling to guide others through the process and see people transform aspects of their lives and experience a wonderful sense of well-being.

I would love everyone to experience the gift of Core Transformation.

Linda Schopf

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2023

“During my 35 year quest for healing (fibromyalgia, PTSD, +), I have found Core Transformation to be THE quickest and gentlest way to truly resolve stubborn unconscious patterns. I now possess this resourceful core of peace no matter what life serves up. I’ve finally learned HOW to let go of the things that are out of my control in life. What a gift!

Core Transformation is the crown jewel in my box of mixed tools for guiding those from a place of suffering (mind, body, energy and spirit) to finding their own wellness. It has been so gratifying to witness remarkable progress with difficult issues that had been completely unresponsive to any other treatment.

I have an incredibly rich and varied background of skills which I am pleased to offer with patience and respect when guiding others on their journey to personal resolution. Please contact me, Linda, for a free 20 minute consult to determine how I may be of service.

Louise Jefferies

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“Hi, I’m Louise Jefferies I was first introduced to Core Transformation in 2020 and have made it part of my weekly routine since then. I’ve found it incredibly effective and supportive not only in resolving my own fears and anxieties but also in removing the emotional reactions I have to things out of my control such as other people’s behaviours.

I find Core Transformation an incredibly versatile technique which can be both deeply transformative when guided by an experienced practitioner as well as a valuable resource that can be learnt by all and used to gain temporary relief in times of stress.

I predominantly work with introverts to help them speak up and represent themselves at work particularly in English as non-native speakers, so they can get the recognition they deserve and desire without getting overwhelmed.

Martín Francisco Muller

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“Hi, my name is Martín Muller. I have a background in teaching transformational education – including aspects of Yoga and meditative awareness. And I am fluent in several coaching methods. It is my personal deep experience of the CT process that led me to complete CT Coach certification. I find CT practice reliably supports access to the inner well-being that embraces the challenges of life.

As someone who has drunk deeply from the well, I am grateful to share CT sessions with folks as they navigate any stage of their Journey.

Elanna Belanger

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“Hi, I’m Elanna! I am a trauma-informed certified Core Transformation Coach with a Master’s of Science in Clinical Behavioral Health and Addictions Counseling. When I went back to school, I sought to understand how best to support clients in achieving deep healing rather than to simply manage pain.

I traveled down many wondrous and unexpected avenues and discovered spirituality and Core Transformation. I became a certified Core Transformation coach because I wanted to help people transform trauma gently in a way that is more effective than talk therapy.

Core Transformation allowed me to gain confidence, discover new inner resources, and embody my Authentic Self through loving and accepting all parts of me. I would be honored to guide you towards your own inner peace and transformation; my promise to you is that you will be safely and compassionately supported and seen.

Tsvi Nagler

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“🌟 What if the fear of being criticized could transform into confidence in your unique voice?
🌟 What if “I’m not good enough” thoughts – could soften into a deep sense of self worth?
If you want to find out, Core Transformation could be the answer for you.

Hi there!
My name is Tsvi Nagler. Alongside my extensive training in NLP, Focusing, Iemt and more, I’m proud to offer you the cherry on top – Core Transformation.
🌟 Core Transformation helped me overcome my nail-biting (after all these years!), and had a huge impact on my relationship with my kids.
💬 In my private practice, I specialize in helping individuals who experience fear of judgment or self-doubt in social settings. I also support clients who face challenges like procrastination, shame, guilt, trauma, and more.

❓ If you’re curious about transforming fear into confidence and inner peace, let’s start your journey together today! 💡”


Rhiannon Tugwell-Smith

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“When I first discovered Core Transformation I was working in an environment that today we would call ‘toxic’. I was close to burnout, not sleeping, lacking self-confidence and generally despairing of my situation. CT enabled me to discover an inner strength, self-confidence and a profound state of peace that transformed the way I felt, behaved and thought.

Now, as a Certified Core Transformation Coach, it’s so fulfilling to guide people who, like me, are looking for a way to have resilience and more resources to not only survive but thrive in a toxic workplace. CT is a kind, gentle and deep process and one that I’m grateful to have discovered. And now share with you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and guiding you through CT so that you can also experience this wonderful transformation.

Anna Sabo

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“Hi, I’m Anna Sabo. I empower high achievers to transform at the deepest level of their being. I’ve found Core Transformation to be the most cutting-edge method available to facilitate gentle yet powerful change.

In my early twenties, I had everything I’d worked so hard for – an Ivy League degree, a great job, and more. And yet as I reached this peak, the view I thought would feel so complete instead felt anxiety ridden and not enough. I yearned for a different experience with life. Why have it all if I can’t appreciate it and “all” is a moving target?

Years later, I was frustrated because I felt like I’d tried everything and nothing seemed to work… until I discovered CT. CT turned my inner experience around, and I felt newfound wholeness and peace. It impacted me so deeply that I found a new purpose: sharing it with others.

I look forward to supporting you in your journey toward greater alignment, fulfillment, peace, and well-being.

Ursula Beste

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“Hi, my name is Ursula Beste and I am happy to have learned Core Transformation from Tamara, Mark and Connirae Andreas. I have seen Core Transformation resolve even issues that could not be shifted completely with other modalities. I also love that it is deeply nourishing. So, of course, it has become one of my main go-to resources.

Shifts through Core Transformation that I have helped my clients achieve include:

  • Transforming emotions like anger or sadness to inner peace and confidence
  • Letting go of stress and worry so that new, useful solutions become available
  • Releasing self-judgment, shame, and guilt
  • Finding peace with past experiences
  • Changing patterns that disrupted significant relationships

I look forward to guiding you (in English or German) and helping you to connect with your inner source of well-being and create the life you truly desire.

Christiane Livingston

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“Hi, I’m Christiane Livingston. Originally from France, I moved to England to start my career as a Management Consultant but later shifted my focus to raising my three children, now young adults. As a new mother, I sought ways to stay connected and led a women’s ministry at my church.

Later, I started a Nordic Walking business, combining my love of nature with helping others improve their wellbeing. Parenting far from home wasn’t easy. I often felt isolated, anxious, and overwhelmed. I explored various self-help methods that didn’t sustain me for long.

I wish I’d discovered Core Transformation sooner. It helped me embrace my inner struggles with kindness, bringing lasting calm and balance. Now I want to help others find peace, joy, and live more at ease. Fully trained in Wholeness Work, a method that complements Core Transformation beautifully, I provide online coaching globally from London. I look forward to supporting you with compassion and warmth.

Deepa Seralathan

Core Transformation®

Certificate of Excellence, 2024

“Hi, I am Deepa Seralathan. I became curious about CT when updating my NLP skills to help a relative. Little did I know then that I would love it so much to be consistently using it on myself.

During the pandemic, my son went deep into video games. My strong coping skills which helped me improve my child’s physical health from a childhood epidemic had started to dwindle. I reached a deep core state the very first session I was guided to resolve the thought that I was failing as a parent, which I couldn’t get with my esoteric practices.

I practiced CT passionately with a variety of people. I gained more skills from assisting a Foundation CT training. Some of what I have transformed are C-PTSD symptoms, relationships and chronic pain. Every now and then a gentle pleasant kundalini force plays with me. I would love to assist you in removing the blockages on your spiritual journey or any endeavor to elevate the human consciousness.

Information provided on this website isn’t intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Anyone dealing with a physical condition or mental illness is advised to consult with a qualified professional.
Being listed on this page does not imply these coaches are franchisees, employees, subcontractors, representatives, affiliates or agents of Andreas NLP. Their coaching practices are independent of Andreas NLP, and Andreas NLP does not oversee, engage, or direct their coaching and business activities. Each certified coach has full responsibility for their own coaching work.
We offer this list of Certified Core Transformation Coaches as a courtesy, to help you find a capable coach who is a good fit for you. All the Certified Core Transformation Coaches have in depth training and skills development with Core Transformation.