Core Transformation Resources

Books, Video & Audio

Core Transformation

By Connirae Andreas & Tamara Andreas

This book will take you on a healing inner journey to the depths of your being. You’ll be guided on 10 simple steps, through which your limitations become the doorway to powerfully transforming states of being that most people describe as “inner peace” “love” or “oneness.” You’ll share in the experiences of others, to pave the way for your own unconscious to benefit. Includes tips on how to successfully work with any obstacles that might emerge.

Endorsed by John Bradshaw, Dan Millman, Jack Canfield, Joseph Chilton-Pearce, Michele Weiner-Davis, Hugh Prather, and others! See Reviews.
($16.50 paper)

Core Transformation:

The Full 3-Day Workshop on Streaming video

Taught by Tamara Andreas, co-author of the book Core Transformation and the Core Transformation Trainer’s Manual.
Discover how you can experience personal transformation, integration and spiritual healing through the Core Transformation process taught on this Home Program. Over seven hours of live training, demonstrations and follow-up reviews for each exercise, guide you step-by-step through three gentle and profound processes:

Get it on Streaming Video

You can now watch this program right now:

Video Downloads

Core Transformation: a conversation with Roger

With Connirae Andreas
A moving demonstration of the Core Transformation Process, plus short vignettes of three other people doing the process.
(Video Download, 44 min., $39)

Core Transformation Demonstration with Diane

With Connirae Andreas
In this more complex and advanced demonstration of Core Transformation, you’ll experience Connirae working with objections and several parts.
(Video Download, 100 min., $39)

Aligning Perceptual Positions

With Connirae Andreas
This process empowers us in coming to a sense of wholeness and clarity within ourselves–what we want, think, and feel. At the same time, it enables us to experience more compassion and connection to others.
Also called “Relationship Alignment” and included in most Core Transformation seminars.
(Video Download, 77 min, $39)

Parental Timeline re-imprinting

With Connirae Andreas
A demonstration of the Parental Timeline Reimprinting process with a woman whose father was an alcoholic. Included in most Core Transformation seminars and a powerful method of using our Core States to heal our past, even in very troubled circumstances. Use along with Core Transformation.
(Video Download, 143 min, $39)

Audio Downloads

CT and Spirituality

With Connirae Andreas
Connirae personally introduces you to the Core Transformation process. You will gain an understanding of how your limitations can be a doorway to spiritual experience. Includes a guided experience and demonstration of the Core State Exercise.

(audio download, 67 mins, $24.95)

The Aligned Self

With Connirae Andreas
An entire four-day workshop with Connirae Andreas, including a demonstration and discussion of the Core Transformation process, Parental Timeline Reimprinting, and another breakthrough process called Aligning Perceptual Positions or Relationship Alignment.
(audio download, $97.95)

For those wanting to teach Core Transformation

If you are considering teaching Core Transformation seminars, this materials packet is an essential aid to offering quality workshops. We make this available through a special licensing agreement. Read on for details about what it includes and how to order… read more